O'rganish Barcha yangiliklar
25 декабр, 2024Certificate - 2024 (English for Science)
"English for Science" program implemented in 2024 by the Innovation Development Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan under the support of the World Bank within the MUNIS project. Participants list:
Batafsil News
15 ноябр, 2024Award ceremony for the ICP winners within the framework of Innoweek-2024.
On November 14, 2024, within the framework of the international forum "Innoweek-2024", a solemn ceremony of awarding certificates to the winners of the ICP (Innovation Potential Development Program) was held, organized jointly by experts of the World Bank MUNIS project and the Agency for Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Batafsil News
21 октябр, 2024A meeting with the mission of the World Bank - MUNIS project was held at the Innovative Development Agency.
A meeting with the mission of the World Bank "Modernization of the National Innovation System of Uzbekistan" - MUNIS project was held at the Innovative Development Agency.
Batafsil News
19 сентябр, 2024PRIM Announcement
The deadline for project submissions under the PRIM program has been extended.
Batafsil News
A seminar was held within the framework of the "PUBLIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE MODERNIZATION PROGRAM" (PRIM) grant program for the modernization of state research institutions.
Batafsil News
4 июл, 2024RCP dasturi g'oliblari
2023-yil 25-dekabrda boshlangan dastur tijoratlashtirish salohiyati yuqori bo‘lgan tadqiqot loyihalarini aniqlash va qo‘llab-quvvatlashga qaratilgan. Dastur bo’yicha tanlovda ishtirok etish uchun 55 ta loyihalar 2024 yil 19 fevraliga qadar qabul qilindi.
Batafsil News
15 май, 2024“Tijoratlashtirish va texnologiyalarni transfer qilish mexanizmlari” mavzusidagi seminar-trening
Trening Innovatsiyalar va texnologiyalar transferini joriy etish milliy offisi tomonidan tashkil etilib Jahon bankining “O‘zbekiston milliy innovatsion tizimini modernizatsiya qilish” (MUNIS) loyihasi ekspertlari tomonidan beg'araz amalga oshirildi.
Batafsil News
6 май, 2024Milliy ofis xodimlarini o'qitish natijalari
RCP va BIRD dasturlarini amalga oshirish doirasida tashkil etilgan Innovatsiyalar va texnologiyalar transferi milliy byurosi (NOVITT) xodimlarini o'qitish yakunlandi.