O'rganish Barcha yangiliklar
15 январ, 2025ICP second call winners
📣 Муҳим эълон:
Инновацион ривожланиш агентлиги ҳузуридаги Жахон банкиниг "MUNIS" лойихасининг Innovation Capability Program дастури бўйича иккинчи босқич танлов натижалари
Batafsil Announcements
25 декабр, 2024Certificate - 2024 (English for Science)
"English for Science" program implemented in 2024 by the Innovation Development Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan under the support of the World Bank within the MUNIS project. Participants list:
Batafsil News
21 октябр, 2024Representatives of the World Bank mission and MUNIS project visited Samarkand and Navoi region on October 18-19.
On October 18 of this year, deputy governor of Samarkand region H.Tukhtayev, regional governor's assistant N.Ibragimov, Yerali Beksultan, regional representative of the World Bank for Central Asia and the World Bank's project manager "Modernization of the National Innovation System of Uzbekistan" (MUNIS) met with their representatives.
Batafsil News
21 октябр, 2024A meeting with the mission of the World Bank - MUNIS project was held at the Innovative Development Agency.
A meeting with the mission of the World Bank "Modernization of the National Innovation System of Uzbekistan" - MUNIS project was held at the Innovative Development Agency.
Batafsil News
19 август, 2024Acceleration program launched for winners of RCP and BIRD grant programs
By the implementation team of the World Bank project "Modernization of the National Innovation System of Uzbekistan" ("MUNIS") under the Innovative Development Agency
Batafsil News
A seminar was held within the framework of the "PUBLIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE MODERNIZATION PROGRAM" (PRIM) grant program for the modernization of state research institutions.
Batafsil News
28 май, 2024PRIM dasturi doirasida ilmiy-tadqiqot institutlarini modernizatsiya qilish sohasida hamkorlik
MUNIS loyihasi ekspertlari O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Fanlar akademiyasi vitse-prezidenti Sh.Turdiqulova ishtirokida PRIM dasturi doirasida ilmiy-tadqiqot institutlarini modernizatsiya qilish sohasida hamkorlikka oid masalalarni muhokama qildilar. ilmiy tashkilotlar faoliyatini tijoratlashtirish imkoniyatlari.
Batafsil News
15 май, 2024“Tijoratlashtirish va texnologiyalarni transfer qilish mexanizmlari” mavzusidagi seminar-trening
Trening Innovatsiyalar va texnologiyalar transferini joriy etish milliy offisi tomonidan tashkil etilib Jahon bankining “O‘zbekiston milliy innovatsion tizimini modernizatsiya qilish” (MUNIS) loyihasi ekspertlari tomonidan beg'araz amalga oshirildi.