Modernizing Uzbekistan’s National Innovation System Project – MUNIS

The Modernizing Uzbekistan’s National Innovation System (MUNIS) Project seeks to enable the development of a market-oriented National Innovation System (NIS) in Uzbekistan, under the framework of the Financing Agreement (FA) between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the International Development Association (IDA) of the World Bank (WB), signed on May 17, 2021 and identified as Credit Number 6784-UZ.

The MUNIS Project consists of four components that represent a mix of policy instruments designed to improve the scientific performance and economic relevance of applied research and development (R&D), stimulate enterprise-level innovation to achieve the development of new or improved products, technologies, and processes, and create new institutions, such as an International Expert Board (IEB), and a Technology Transfer Unit (TTU). In addition, the project will fund technical assistance and capacity building to support its implementation.

The MUNIS Project is executed by the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) under the Ministry of Higher, Science and Innovations (MHESI). The PIU is responsible for the overall management and implementation of the project. The PIU has a team of experienced professionals with expertise in a variety of areas, including innovation policy, technology transfer, and project management.


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